E3: Slideshow about Spore's Impact

That Spore is revolutionary in the gaming industry, is hardly any news at all. The way the game works, as well as the way it's being developed, is different from anything that's been seen before. During the E3, Business Week Online published a slideshow about Spore. Eight experts give their predictions on how Spore can change the gaming industry in economic, educational, legal, and other ways. The game might help in discovering new game developers, saving development costs for games, teaching students about programming, marketing products, or helping us understand more about the world around us. It can also be used as a design tool or tool to make non-Spore content like movies and such. Check out the full slideshow for all the things the experts have to say. Click the images at the bottom, or the arrows at the right-top, to scroll through the 9 pages.

Written at 22:14 2006n Wednesday, 7 June 2006 by ChEeTaH

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