Spore Not on E3 [Update: April Fools]

We recently already reported about possible delays in the release of Spore. The game will be released when it's done. First rumours said it would be out later this year, but news from the Game Developers Conference last month revealed that 2007 is more likely as year of release for Spore. Apparently it's been delayed further down the line, as the game will probably not be shown at the E3 show next month. The world's biggest games expo will have to do without Spore for one year, but the game will definitely make an appearance at the 2007 edition. That also means the game should be released after May 2007, either making a summer or fall release.

April Fools!

[Update 2 April, 1:04] Of course Spore will be shown at the E3 Expo this year, and it'll probably be big. The above post was almost entirely made up by us, and pretty much nothing of it is true - except for the dates of the E3 expo. We even made up all the rumours. If you fell for it, maybe you should be more careful on April Fools day next time... If you paniced after reading the news, please accept our apologies and laugh at it. We'll post more serious news for another full year now. Keep following our news in the next couple of weeks when more and more of Spore will be revealed, especially during the E3 from 10-12 May. That's just a couple of weeks away!

Rumours go that Maxis is unable to prepare a demo to be shown at the expo, which runs from 10 through 12 May. Without such a demo, Maxis is unable to show the game to the press. This may also be the reason why not a lot of new gameplay was seen during the recent GDC.

Reasons for the demo not being ready in time are still unclear, but the strongest rumours are that there are problems with the so-called procedural techniques that the game is almost completely based on. Certain functions are badly broken, making it impossible to make a creature, building, vehicle or anything else.

We have not yet been able to confirm the news with Maxis, but will keep you updated with any news as it develops.

Written at 13:59 2006n Saturday, 1 April 2006 by ChEeTaH

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